Probiotics and their rise as cleaning products

We have all heard of “good bacteria”, in fact we find an increasing number of probiotic cleaning products to provide all kinds of solutions. These products can offer a beneficial and cost-effective alternative to current cleaning chemicals.

The CEO, Dr. Emma Saunders, of the Genesis Biosciences companies, explains why probiotic-based cleaners will change the cleaning industry given their high cleaning and sanitizing power, and their contribution to saving time and money.

What are probiotic-based cleansers?

In summary, probiotic-based cleaners contain beneficial bacteria, either in live form or spores, that promote the cleaning and sanitizing action.

Using bacteria instead of enzymes alone is key, and helps differentiate these different cleaning products on the market. Enzymes, although initially effective, only provide a benefit in their initial application, in this respect they work in a similar way to the surfactants contained in cleaning products. Enzymes also have safety problems, they cause allergic reactions when inhaled, and they are not always compatible for the type of cleaning for which we are going to use them.

Bacteria however provide a very clear advantage as they continually produce specific enzymes to break down dirt. The energy created through this process allows bacteria to continue growing and reproducing in the application area, and this ensures that these probiotic cleaners continue to remove the substrate long after application. This is why probiotic cleaners are attributed long-term cleaning effectiveness.

What are the benefits of probiotic-based cleansers?

There are a number of benefits involved in using probiotic-based cleansers, compared to the chemical alternatives currently available. Probiotic cleaning products have a much better environmental impact than chemical solutions, they do not have harmful extreme pH's which makes their application much safer and, unlike chemical cleaners, the manufacture of probiotic formulations releases less harmful chemicals. , benefiting the environment and ecology in general.

Also probiotic-based cleaners are more effective for most cleaning processes.

England has been one of the pioneering countries in the development of probiotics, and has invested more than 2.5 million pounds and more than 35 thousand hours of research, trials and efficacy tests to develop bacillus strains that can address specific challenges. of cleaning, which has allowed them to develop highly effective products.

The increasingly frequent awareness of the problems of conventional chemicals, mainly for people, but also for the environment, makes the use of alternative products more relevant every day. One of them is probiotics, in addition to ionized water (electrochemically activated water), ozone... etc.

Another advantage of these alternative products is that they avoid the microbial resistance typical of chemical biocides in general, and this is mainly why it is considered that they will play an important role, mainly in the cleaning of health centers, hospitals. , food industries and in general all those work centers where hygiene conditions have to be extreme.

The behavior of probiotics, ionized water (electrochemically activated water) and aqueous ozone against Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas species and Candida albicans have been highly effective compared to chemical products.

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