Many times, people who share their lives with a dog or cat reach the point of wanting to ask for professional help with their pet. The undisciplined behavior of our friends sometimes brings problems, or because they would simply like to have more control over them to fully enjoy it.

The first thing that comes to mind, when we need help with our pet, is to think about a trainer. But in addition to trainers, there are professionals who deal with the behavior of our faithful friends. Those are the so-called Ethologists.


In a very simple way, ethology has two objectives: to describe and explain the behavior of animals. For this reason some authors say that ethology aims to study what animals do and why they do it.

This began from human psychology and was adapted to the animal concept, behaviors and studies in humans that could be adapted to dogs, cats, horses, etc.

The term clinical ethology was first used in the 1970s, to refer to the study of behavioral changes, and is used by veterinarians to diagnose animal diseases.

Currently, the objective of clinical ethology is broader, the diagnosis of behavioral problems in domestic animals. Many times how the animal behaves is associated with the behavior of the person.

That is a possibility of helping animals that does not have a way of expressing with words but with gestures, actions, with behaviors specifically that something is not working well with them. But there are also pathologies and behaviors that are manifested by a lack of balance or lack of mental health in an animal, because, just as we (humans) do not have mental health and that can be associated with physical pathologies, because in dogs, In cats, horses and other animals, the same thing also happens.

Behavioral problems are relatively common and reduce the satisfaction that comes with having a pet. On the other hand, many behavioral problems decrease the well-being of animals and in the case of aggressive behavior they can pose a danger to people or other animals.

Fortunately, most pet behavior problems can be solved. Although, as with any other problem, treatment can be easier and more effective the sooner the problem is identified and the sooner the problem is identified and the veterinarian specializing in Ethology is consulted.

Most specialists conclude that certain behaviors have a genetic basis, but require, in addition to a certain learning on the part of the animal, to achieve perfect development of such behavior.

For an animal's behavior to occur in general, there are four important components: I - Genetics, which would be the predisposition codes, instinct; II - Environmental, it is the house, the veterinarian, the park, the hairdresser and ourselves. III – It is the hormonal part; IIII – Refers to the nervous system of the animal.

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