When we start a diet, we usually encounter certain difficulties. Believing that going hungry or modifying food intake will make us reach the desired goal in the blink of an eye.

Although there are endless weight loss programs, many are restrictive or endanger our body's nutrition. Knowing how our metabolism works and the intake of the nutrients necessary for the proper functioning of our body are fundamental parts to begin the process.

So far, the best option to reduce a few kilos and not stop eating abruptly, causing loss of energy or fatigue, is to achieve a progressive calorie deficit.

We are going to explain some basic points so that you have results, that you can understand your body and understand what are the guidelines to take into account to be successful.


Calorie deficit is basically eating fewer calories than the body needs daily, without putting our entire metabolic system at risk. That is why it is necessary to know through different calculations what our daily caloric needs are.

Being in deficit does not mean that we have to stop eating foods rich in carbohydrates, but rather change them for foods that provide us with quality carbohydrates.

In this food selection process we are also going to discount the percentage of calories we need to start this progressive deficit, generally it is twenty percent of what we consume daily from the total calories.

Knowing that, depending on the body and the rate of fat you need to eliminate, you will have to keep your body in that state of deficit for more or less time. For example, if a person has a problem with being overweight, they will have to be in this process for much longer than a person who does not have that type of problem and who only has a few kilos or more.

In order for you to reach that state of caloric deficit and thus spend more calories than you consume, you will have to reduce calories by eating fewer amounts of food or increasing the body's metabolic rate.


Basal metabolism is a physiological process according to our needs that our body carries out and obtains through food. To start this process we have to have and ingest the so-called macronutrients: proteins, carbohydrates and the regulating foods that are fibers. This would give us the amount of energy we need daily, without practicing physical activity.

So that our body is not in a state of weakness and without energy, our body begins to manufacture fat cells, which is precisely what is not desired, since our first organ, the brain, needs that energy to be able to be in good health. good performance.


You have to find an appropriate diet according to your needs, measure exactly the calories you consume during the day. Remember to learn to count the calories in food and the appropriate percentage so that you can enter the state of caloric deficit without putting your body at risk.

Having a reduced-calorie diet does not mean that you have to put your health at risk or suffer extreme hunger with very abrupt diets, because it can generate the opposite effect to what you want to achieve. Being very hungry can lead you to eat more and more, generating a rebound effect.

Now that we know which is the most recommended method for losing weight and reducing the rate of body fat, we advise you to put into practice everything you have learned in this article and follow our recommendations: increase the metabolic rate with regular physical activity and reduce the amount of calories ingested.

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